Data retrieval

## snapshotDate(): 2022-11-29
query(eh, c("MerfishData", "ileum"))
## ExperimentHub with 9 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2022-11-29
## # $dataprovider: Boston Children's Hospital
## # $species: Mus musculus
## # $rdataclass: data.frame, matrix, EBImage
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
## #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
## #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["EH7543"]]' 
##            title                                 
##   EH7543 | Petukhov2021_ileum_molecules          
##   EH7544 | Petukhov2021_ileum_dapi               
##   EH7545 | Petukhov2021_ileum_membrane           
##   EH7547 | Petukhov2021_ileum_baysor_segmentation
##   EH7548 | Petukhov2021_ileum_baysor_counts      
##   EH7549 | Petukhov2021_ileum_baysor_coldata     
##   EH7550 | Petukhov2021_ileum_baysor_polygons    
##   EH7551 | Petukhov2021_ileum_cellpose_counts    
##   EH7552 | Petukhov2021_ileum_cellpose_coldata
spe <- MerfishData::MouseIleumPetukhov2021(segmentation = "baysor",
                                           use.images = FALSE,
                                           use.polygons = FALSE)
## class: SpatialExperiment 
## dim: 241 5800 
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): counts molecules
## rownames(241): Acsl1 Acta2 ... Vcan Vim
## rowData names(0):
## colnames: NULL
## colData names(7): n_transcripts density ... leiden_final sample_id
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
## spatialCoords names(2) : x y
## imgData names(0):

Spatial proximity analysis

Construct spatial graph

To identify cells that are in close proximity to each other, we use the buildSpatialGraph function from the imcRtools package. The function constructs interaction graphs using either (i) cell-centroid expansion, (ii) k-nearest neighbor search, or (iii) delaunay triangulation.

Here, we use a k-nearest neighbor search with k = 5, which accordingly constructs a graph based on the 5 closest cells for each cell.

spe <- imcRtools::buildSpatialGraph(spe,
                                    img_id = "sample_id",
                                    type = "knn",
                                    k = 5, 
                                    coords = c("x", "y")) 
## List of length 1
## names(1): knn_interaction_graph
colPair(spe, "knn_interaction_graph")
## SelfHits object with 29000 hits and 0 metadata columns:
##                from        to
##           <integer> <integer>
##       [1]         1         2
##       [2]         1         3
##       [3]         1         4
##       [4]         1         5
##       [5]         1         6
##       ...       ...       ...
##   [28996]      5800      4145
##   [28997]      5800      4158
##   [28998]      5800      4164
##   [28999]      5800      4177
##   [29000]      5800      5780
##   -------
##   nnode: 5800

Neighborhood permutation testing

To identify recurrent interactions between cell type labels, we use the countInteractions and testInteractions functions from the imcRtools package.

The countInteractions function counts the number of edges (interactions) between each pair of cell labels. Simplified, it counts for each cell of type A the number of neighbors of type B.

This count can be averaged within each grouping level (e.g. image/sample) in different ways. Here, we use method = "classic" to divide the interaction count is divided by the total number of cells of type A. The final count can be interpreted as “How many neighbors of type B does a cell of type A have on average?”.

ia.counts <- imcRtools::countInteractions(spe,
                                          group_by = "sample_id",
                                          label = "leiden_final",
                                          colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
                                          method = "classic")
ind <- order(ia.counts$ct, decreasing = TRUE)
ia.counts <- ia.counts[ind,]
## DataFrame with 400 rows and 4 columns
##        group_by              from_label                to_label        ct
##     <character>                <factor>                <factor> <numeric>
## 1         ileum Enterocyte (Mid Villus) Enterocyte (Mid Villus)   3.27532
## 2         ileum Enterocyte (Top Villus) Enterocyte (Top Villus)   3.19375
## 3         ileum Smooth Muscle           Smooth Muscle             3.07243
## 4         ileum Paneth                  Paneth                    3.05183
## 5         ileum Myenteric Plexus        Myenteric Plexus          3.03226
## ...         ...                     ...                     ...       ...
## 396       ileum                    Tuft           Pericyte              0
## 397       ileum                    Tuft           Smooth Muscle         0
## 398       ileum                    Tuft           T (CD4+)              0
## 399       ileum                    Tuft           T (CD8+)              0
## 400       ileum                    Tuft           Telocyte              0

Given these average interaction counts between cell type labels, we can then test if the obtained count is larger or smaller compared to what is expected from a random distribution of cell labels.

For this, we use the testInteractions function from the imcRtools package, which permutes the cell labels and counts interactions as described above. This approach generates a distribution of the interaction count under a random distribution of cell labels. The observed interaction count is compared against this null distribution to derive empirical p-values:

ia.sig <- imcRtools::testInteractions(spe,
                                      group_by = "sample_id",
                                      label = "leiden_final",
                                      colPairName = "knn_interaction_graph",
                                      method = "classic")
sort.df <- data.frame(p = ia.sig$p, ct = -ia.sig$ct)
ind <-, sort.df)
ia.sig <- ia.sig[ind,]
## DataFrame with 400 rows and 10 columns
##        group_by              from_label                    to_label        ct
##     <character>                <factor>                    <factor> <numeric>
## 1         ileum Enterocyte (Mid Villus)     Enterocyte (Mid Villus)   3.27532
## 2         ileum Enterocyte (Top Villus)     Enterocyte (Top Villus)   3.19375
## 3         ileum Smooth Muscle               Smooth Muscle             3.07243
## 4         ileum Paneth                      Paneth                    3.05183
## 5         ileum Myenteric Plexus            Myenteric Plexus          3.03226
## ...         ...                     ...                         ...       ...
## 396       ileum        Tuft             B (Follicular, Circulating)         0
## 397       ileum        Tuft             ICC                                 0
## 398       ileum        ICC              Tuft                                0
## 399       ileum        Myenteric Plexus Tuft                                0
## 400       ileum        Tuft             Myenteric Plexus                    0
##            p_gt      p_lt interaction           p       sig    sigval
##       <numeric> <numeric>   <logical>   <numeric> <logical> <numeric>
## 1   0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 2   0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 3   0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 4   0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 5   0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## ...         ...       ...         ...         ...       ...       ...
## 396           1  0.609391       FALSE    0.609391     FALSE         0
## 397           1  0.630370       FALSE    0.630370     FALSE         0
## 398           1  0.632368       FALSE    0.632368     FALSE         0
## 399           1  0.638362       FALSE    0.638362     FALSE         0
## 400           1  0.639361       FALSE    0.639361     FALSE         0

This seem to primarily work out that cells of the same type tend to be close to each other, which is also apparent from spatial domain organization in the image.

Which cells of different cell types tend to be disproportionately often close to each other?

ind <- ia.sig$from_label != ia.sig$to_label
head(ia.sig[ind,], n = 10)
## DataFrame with 10 rows and 10 columns
##       group_by                  from_label                to_label        ct
##    <character>                    <factor>                <factor> <numeric>
## 1        ileum ICC                         Smooth Muscle            2.612903
## 2        ileum Goblet                      Enterocyte (Mid Villus)  1.545151
## 3        ileum Tuft                        Enterocyte (Mid Villus)  1.444444
## 4        ileum B (Follicular, Circulating) Stromal                  1.343750
## 5        ileum Macrophage + DC             B (Plasma)               1.007026
## 6        ileum Telocyte                    Smooth Muscle            0.982609
## 7        ileum T (CD8+)                    Enterocyte (Mid Villus)  0.960000
## 8        ileum B (Plasma)                  Macrophage + DC          0.938492
## 9        ileum T (CD4+)                    B (Plasma)               0.857868
## 10       ileum Goblet                      Stem + TA                0.836120
##           p_gt      p_lt interaction           p       sig    sigval
##      <numeric> <numeric>   <logical>   <numeric> <logical> <numeric>
## 1  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 2  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 3  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 4  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 5  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 6  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 7  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 8  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 9  0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1
## 10 0.000999001         1        TRUE 0.000999001      TRUE         1

Let’s also visualize the pairwise interaction counts between cell type labels:

df <- subset(ia.sig, ct > 0)
df <- data.frame(df)
df$sig <- factor(df$sig, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
df$nlogp <- -log10(df$p)

Here we only look at whether an interaction count surpassed a signficance threshold of 0.01.

ggplot(df, aes(x = from_label, y = to_label, size = ct, color = sig)) + 
    geom_point() +
    xlab("from") + 
    ylab("to") + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Here we also look at the magnitude of the effect.

ggplot(df, aes(x = from_label, y = to_label, size = ct, color = nlogp)) + 
    geom_point() + 
    xlab("from") + 
    ylab("to") + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Ligand-receptor co-expression analysis

Ligand-target co-expression analysis