CCLE transcriptome and proteome data for HCT116

Get CCLE transcriptome data for HCT116:

atlasRes <- ExpressionAtlas::searchAtlasExperiments(
              properties = "Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia", 
              species = "human" )
## Searching for Expression Atlas experiments matching your query ...
## Query successful.
## No results found. Cannot continue.
ccle.trans <- ExpressionAtlas::getAtlasExperiment("E-MTAB-2770")
## Downloading Expression Atlas experiment summary from:
## Successfully downloaded experiment summary object for E-MTAB-2770
ccle.trans <- ccle.trans[[1]]
ccle.trans <- ccle.trans[,grep("HCT 116", ccle.trans$cell_line)]
## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 58735 0 
## metadata(4): pipeline filtering mapping quantification
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(58735): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... ENSG00000285993
##   ENSG00000285994
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(0):
## colData names(4): AtlasAssayGroup organism cell_line disease

There is currently an issue with obtaining E-MTAB-2770 via the ExpressionAtlas package. We therefore pull the file directly from ftp as a workaround.

ebi.ftp.url <- ""
mtab.url <- "E-MTAB-2770/archive/E-MTAB-2770-atlasExperimentSummary.Rdata.1"
mtab.url <- file.path(ebi.ftp.url, mtab.url)
download.file(mtab.url, "E-MTAB-2770.Rdata")
ccle.trans <- experimentSummary
## [1] TRUE

We proceed as before:

ccle.trans <- ccle.trans[[1]]
ccle.trans <- ccle.trans[,grep("HCT 116", ccle.trans$cell_line)]
## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 58735 1 
## metadata(4): pipeline filtering mapping quantification
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(58735): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... ENSG00000285993
##   ENSG00000285994
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(1): SRR8615282
## colData names(5): AtlasAssayGroup organism cell_line disease
##   organism_part

Get the CCLE proteome data for HCT116:

eh <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
## snapshotDate(): 2022-10-31
AnnotationHub::query(eh, c("gygi", "depmap"))
## ExperimentHub with 1 record
## # snapshotDate(): 2022-10-31
## # names(): EH3459
## # package(): depmap
## # $dataprovider: Broad Institute
## # $species: Homo sapiens
## # $rdataclass: tibble
## # $rdatadateadded: 2020-05-19
## # $title: proteomic_20Q2
## # $description: Quantitative profiling of 12399 proteins in 375 cell lines, ...
## # $taxonomyid: 9606
## # $genome: 
## # $sourcetype: CSV
## # $sourceurl:
## # $sourcesize: NA
## # $tags: c("ExperimentHub", "ExperimentData", "ReproducibleResearch",
## #   "RepositoryData", "AssayDomainData", "CopyNumberVariationData",
## #   "DiseaseModel", "CancerData", "BreastCancerData", "ColonCancerData",
## #   "KidneyCancerData", "LeukemiaCancerData", "LungCancerData",
## #   "OvarianCancerData", "ProstateCancerData", "OrganismData",
## #   "Homo_sapiens_Data", "PackageTypeData", "SpecimenSource",
## #   "CellCulture", "Genome", "Proteome", "StemCell", "Tissue") 
## # retrieve record with 'object[["EH3459"]]'
ccle.prot <- eh[["EH3459"]]
## 'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
## '?repositories' for details
## replacement repositories:
##     CRAN:
## Bioconductor version 3.16 (BiocManager 1.30.18), R 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
## Installing package(s) 'depmap'
## Old packages: 'MASS', 'nlme'
## snapshotDate(): 2022-10-31
## see ?depmap and browseVignettes('depmap') for documentation
## loading from cache
ccle.prot <-
ccle.prot <- BioPlex::ccleProteome2SummarizedExperiment(ccle.prot)
## class: SummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 12755 1 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): expr
## rownames(12755): P55011 P35453 ... Q99735 Q9P003
## rowData names(2): SYMBOL ENTREZID
## colnames(1): HCT116
## colData names(0):

Connect to AnnotationHub and obtain OrgDb package for human:

ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub()
orgdb <- AnnotationHub::query(ah, c("orgDb", "Homo sapiens"))
orgdb <- orgdb[[1]]

Map to ENSEMBL for comparison with CCLE transcriptome data for HCT116:

rnames <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(orgdb,
                      keytype = "UNIPROT",
                      column = "ENSEMBL",
                      keys = rownames(ccle.prot))
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns

Subset to the ENSEMBL IDs that both datasets have in common

isect <- intersect(rnames, rownames(ccle.trans))
ind <- match(isect, rnames)

This should be rather RPKM, provided gene length from EDASeq:

assay(ccle.trans, "cpm") <- edgeR::cpm(assay(ccle.trans), log = TRUE)

A look at general correlation between transcriptome and proteome:

cor.test(assay(ccle.trans, "cpm")[isect,], 
         use = "complete.obs")
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  assay(ccle.trans, "cpm")[isect, ] and assay(ccle.prot)[ind, ]
## t = 31.482, df = 7843, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.3151534 0.3544485
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.3349466
df <- data.frame(trans = assay(ccle.trans, "cpm")[isect,],
                 prot = assay(ccle.prot)[ind,])
ggplot(df, aes(x = trans, y = prot) ) +
    geom_bin2d(bins = 70) +
    scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
    xlab("log2 CPM") +
    ylab("log2 intensity") +
## Warning: Removed 2685 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin2d).

Let’s check whether this looks very different when accounting for gene length. We therefore obtain gene length for the hg38 genome assembly (used for CCLE).

AnnotationHub::query(ah, c("TxDb", "Homo sapiens"))
## AnnotationHub with 39 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2022-10-31
## # $dataprovider: GENCODE, UCSC, NCBI, tRNAdb, snoRNAdb, RMBase v2.0
## # $species: Homo sapiens
## # $rdataclass: TxDb, SQLiteFile, ChainFile, FaFile
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description,
## #   coordinate_1_based, maintainer, rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags,
## #   rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype 
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH52256"]]' 
##              title                                             
##   AH52256  | TxDb.Hsapiens.BioMart.igis.sqlite                 
##   AH52257  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene.sqlite          
##   AH52258  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene.sqlite          
##   AH52259  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.lincRNAsTranscripts.sqlite
##   AH52260  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene.sqlite          
##   ...        ...                                               
##   AH92592  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene.sqlite            
##   AH97949  | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene.sqlite          
##   AH100418 | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene.sqlite          
##   AH100419 | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene.sqlite            
##   AH107068 | TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene.sqlite
txdb <- ah[["AH92591"]]
gs <- GenomicFeatures::genes(txdb)
## GRanges object with 27113 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##         seqnames              ranges strand |     gene_id
##            <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
##       1    chr19   58345178-58362751      - |           1
##      10     chr8   18391282-18401218      + |          10
##     100    chr20   44619522-44652233      - |         100
##    1000    chr18   27932879-28177946      - |        1000
##   10000     chr1 243488233-243851079      - |       10000
##     ...      ...                 ...    ... .         ...
##    9991     chr9 112217716-112333664      - |        9991
##    9992    chr21   34364006-34371381      + |        9992
##    9993    chr22   19036282-19122454      - |        9993
##    9994     chr6   89829894-89874436      + |        9994
##    9997    chr22   50523568-50526461      - |        9997
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 595 sequences (1 circular) from hg38 genome
len <- GenomicRanges::width(gs)
names(len) <- names(gs)
##         1        10       100      1000     10000 100009613 
##     17574      9937     32712    245068    362847      3000

This requires to map from Entrez IDs present for the gene length data to ENSEMBL IDs present in the transcriptomic data.

eids <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(orgdb,
                              column = "ENTREZID",
                              keytype = "ENSEMBL", 
                              keys = rownames(ccle.trans))
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
rowData(ccle.trans)$length <- len[eids]

We can now compute RPKM given the obtained gene lengths as input.

assay(ccle.trans, "rpkm") <- edgeR::rpkm(assay(ccle.trans), 
                                         gene.length = rowData(ccle.trans)$length,
                                         log = TRUE) 
cor.test(assay(ccle.trans, "rpkm")[isect,],
         use = "complete.obs")
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  assay(ccle.trans, "rpkm")[isect, ] and assay(ccle.prot)[ind, ]
## t = 29.516, df = 7811, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2966832 0.3365837
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.3167736
df <- data.frame(trans = assay(ccle.trans, "rpkm")[isect,],
                 prot = assay(ccle.prot)[ind,])
ggplot(df, aes(x = trans, y = prot) ) +
    geom_bin2d(bins = 70) +
    scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
    xlab("log2 RPKM") +
    ylab("log2 intensity") +
## Warning: Removed 2717 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin2d).

DE analysis HEK293 vs. HCT116 (transcriptomic and proteomic level)

Pull the HEK293 data:

gse.293t <- BioPlex::getGSE122425()
## Using cached version from 2023-01-14 23:15:40

Pull the HCT116 data:

klijn <- ExpressionAtlas::getAtlasData("E-MTAB-2706")
## Downloading Expression Atlas experiment summary from:
## Successfully downloaded experiment summary object for E-MTAB-2706
klijn <- klijn$`E-MTAB-2706`$rnaseq
## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 65217 622 
## metadata(4): pipeline filtering mapping quantification
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(65217): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... ENSG00000281921
##   ENSG00000281922
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(622): ERR413347 ERR413348 ... ERR414020 ERR415514
## colData names(12): AtlasAssayGroup organism ... media freeze_media

Combine the both HCT116 samples:

ind2 <- grep("HCT 116", klijn$cell_line)
isect <- intersect(rownames(ccle.trans), rownames(klijn))
emat <- cbind(assay(ccle.trans)[isect,], assay(klijn)[isect,ind2])
colnames(emat) <- c("ccle", "klijn")
##                 ccle klijn
## ENSG00000000003 2441  1876
## ENSG00000000005    0     0
## ENSG00000000419 3950  3731
## ENSG00000000457 1085   676
## ENSG00000000460 1680  1206
## ENSG00000000938    0     0

Combine with the HEK293 wildtype samples:

isect <- intersect(rownames(emat), rownames(gse.293t))
emat <- cbind(emat[isect,], assay(gse.293t)[isect, 1:3])
colnames(emat) <- paste0(rep(c("HCT", "HEK"), c(2,3)), c(1:2, 1:3)) 

Compute logCPMs to bring samples from different cell lines and experiments on the same scale using the limma-trend approach:

dge <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = emat)
dge$group <- rep(c("HCT", "HEK"), c(2,3))
design <- model.matrix(~ dge$group)
keep <- edgeR::filterByExpr(dge, design)
dge <- dge[keep,,keep.lib.sizes = FALSE]
## [1] 19186     5
dge <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(dge)
logCPM <- edgeR::cpm(dge, log = TRUE, prior.count = 3)
fit <- limma::lmFit(logCPM, design)
fit <- limma::eBayes(fit, trend = TRUE)
limma::topTable(fit, coef = ncol(design))
##                      logFC  AveExpr         t      P.Value    adj.P.Val
## ENSG00000176788   9.927080 4.200182  92.21793 5.841381e-10 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000134871   9.242679 4.650104  88.41680 7.356481e-10 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000198786 -15.839842 2.433343 -83.70579 9.929857e-10 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000261409  12.811237 3.993704  80.88389 1.198204e-09 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000133124  12.765158 3.940417  80.19682 1.255526e-09 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000198695 -13.775054 1.607428 -79.93320 1.278376e-09 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000159217   8.156433 4.811616  79.67285 1.301428e-09 3.567027e-06
## ENSG00000041982   8.146714 4.445960  74.71939 1.849773e-09 3.963810e-06
## ENSG00000181291  10.457757 2.372061  74.64867 1.859392e-09 3.963810e-06
## ENSG00000138829   9.380895 4.616683  70.70227 2.503608e-09 4.342763e-06
##                        B
## ENSG00000176788 11.63254
## ENSG00000134871 11.56147
## ENSG00000198786 11.46225
## ENSG00000261409 11.39606
## ENSG00000133124 11.37910
## ENSG00000198695 11.37249
## ENSG00000159217 11.36592
## ENSG00000041982 11.23057
## ENSG00000181291 11.22849
## ENSG00000138829 11.10450
tt <- limma::topTable(fit, coef = ncol(design), number = nrow(logCPM), = "none")

Now let’s pull the BioPlex3 proteome data:

bp.prot <- BioPlex::getBioplexProteome()
## Using cached version from 2023-01-14 23:43:01
## DataFrame with 9604 rows and 5 columns
##             ENTREZID      SYMBOL nr.peptides log2ratio  adj.pvalue
##          <character> <character>   <integer> <numeric>   <numeric>
## P0CG40     100131390         SP9           1 -2.819071 6.66209e-08
## Q8IXZ3-4      221833         SP8           3 -3.419888 6.94973e-07
## P55011          6558     SLC12A2           4  0.612380 4.85602e-06
## O60341         23028       KDM1A           7 -0.319695 5.08667e-04
## O14654          8471        IRS4           4 -5.951096 1.45902e-06
## ...              ...         ...         ...       ...         ...
## Q9H6X4         80194     TMEM134           2 -0.379342 7.67195e-05
## Q9BS91         55032     SLC35A5           1 -2.237634 8.75523e-05
## Q9UKJ5         26511       CHIC2           1 -0.614932 1.78756e-03
## Q9H3S5         93183        PIGM           1 -1.011397 8.91589e-06
## Q8WYQ3        400916     CHCHD10           1  0.743852 1.17163e-03

Compare differential expression results on transcriptomic and proteomic level based on gene symbols as those are readily available:

isect <- intersect(rowData(bp.prot)$SYMBOL, 
                   rowData(gse.293t)[rownames(logCPM), "SYMBOL"])
## [1] 8974
ind.trans <- match(isect, rowData(gse.293t)[rownames(logCPM), "SYMBOL"])
ind.prot <- match(isect, rowData(bp.prot)$SYMBOL)

We need to switch here the sign of the fold change because the transcriptome is HEK-vs-HCT, the proteome is HCT-vs-HEK:

cor.test(-1 * tt[ind.trans, "logFC"], 
         rowData(bp.prot)[ind.prot, "log2ratio"])
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  -1 * tt[ind.trans, "logFC"] and rowData(bp.prot)[ind.prot, "log2ratio"]
## t = 70.463, df = 8972, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.5833789 0.6100218
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.5968649
df <- data.frame(trans = -1 * tt[ind.trans, "logFC"],
                 prot = rowData(bp.prot)[ind.prot, "log2ratio"])
ggplot(df, aes(x = trans, y = prot) ) +
    geom_bin2d(bins = 70) +
    scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
    xlab("log2FC (transcriptome)") +
    ylab("log2FC (proteome)") +

Interaction networks of cell-line specific proteins

We can now inspect the interactions of proteins that are strongly differentially expressed between cell lines as in Supplementary Figure S3, Panels J-M, of the BioPlex 3.0 publication.

Here, we inspect the interactions of CDH2, a protein that was observed in ~5-fold lower abundance in the HCT116 cell line when compared to the 293T cell line.

subset(rowData(bp.prot), SYMBOL == "CDH2")
## DataFrame with 1 row and 5 columns
##           ENTREZID      SYMBOL nr.peptides log2ratio  adj.pvalue
##        <character> <character>   <integer> <numeric>   <numeric>
## P19022        1000        CDH2           4  -4.71349 1.59351e-06

We therefore obtain the latest versions of the both BioPlex PPI networks …

bp.293t <- BioPlex::getBioPlex(cell.line = "293T", version = "3.0")
## Using cached version from 2023-01-14 23:15:28
bp.hct <- BioPlex::getBioPlex(cell.line = "HCT116", version = "1.0")
## Using cached version from 2023-01-14 23:49:23

Get all interactions involving CDH2:

cdh2.293t <- subset(bp.293t, SymbolA == "CDH2" | SymbolB == "CDH2")
##         GeneA GeneB  UniprotA UniprotB SymbolA SymbolB           pW         pNI
## 34970   92369  1000    Q96A44   P19022   SPSB4    CDH2 2.211900e-13 0.006840259
## 69156    1500  1000 O60716-10   P19022  CTNND1    CDH2 3.269941e-13 0.186489217
## 76938  401251  1000  Q5SSQ6-2   P19022 C6orf26    CDH2 1.864776e-16 0.143034584
## 85272   29119  1000    Q9UI47   P19022  CTNNA3    CDH2 2.360491e-11 0.008295743
## 95983    1499  1000    P35222   P19022  CTNNB1    CDH2 5.277121e-15 0.111978430
## 104222 200933  1000    P0C2W1   P19022  FBXO45    CDH2 3.734072e-15 0.021792003
## 104253  25831  1000    Q9ULT8   P19022  HECTD1    CDH2 1.138752e-15 0.225677281
## 107992  30851  1000    O14907   P19022 TAX1BP3    CDH2 5.217764e-15 0.135774766
##             pInt
## 34970  0.9931597
## 69156  0.8135108
## 76938  0.8569654
## 85272  0.9917043
## 95983  0.8880216
## 104222 0.9782080
## 104253 0.7743227
## 107992 0.8642252
cdh2.hct <- subset(bp.hct, SymbolA == "CDH2" | SymbolB == "CDH2")
## [1] GeneA    GeneB    UniprotA UniprotB SymbolA  SymbolB  pW       pNI     
## [9] pInt    
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Expand by including interactions between interactors of CDH2:

cdh2i <- cdh2.293t$SymbolA
cdh2i.293t <- subset(bp.293t, SymbolA %in% cdh2i & SymbolB %in% cdh2i)
##         GeneA GeneB  UniprotA  UniprotB SymbolA SymbolB           pW
## 34925   92369  1499    Q96A44    P35222   SPSB4  CTNNB1 1.257953e-16
## 69154    1500  1499 O60716-10    P35222  CTNND1  CTNNB1 7.048423e-32
## 76933  401251  1499  Q5SSQ6-2    P35222 C6orf26  CTNNB1 1.427882e-17
## 85266   29119  1499    Q9UI47    P35222  CTNNA3  CTNNB1 7.602287e-16
## 85269   29119  1500    Q9UI47 O60716-10  CTNNA3  CTNND1 5.885667e-13
## 104224 200933 25831    P0C2W1    Q9ULT8  FBXO45  HECTD1 1.993756e-22
## 107979  30851  1499    O14907    P35222 TAX1BP3  CTNNB1 4.986983e-13
##                 pNI      pInt
## 34925  1.842978e-02 0.9815702
## 69154  1.238575e-01 0.8761425
## 76933  1.537088e-01 0.8462912
## 85266  1.371513e-03 0.9986285
## 85269  1.056681e-01 0.8943319
## 104224 2.045693e-08 1.0000000
## 107979 4.239673e-02 0.9576033
cdh2i.hct <- subset(bp.hct, SymbolA %in% cdh2i & SymbolB %in% cdh2i)
##       GeneA GeneB UniprotA  UniprotB SymbolA SymbolB           pW        pNI
## 12598 30851  1499   O14907    P35222 TAX1BP3  CTNNB1 2.751214e-14 0.00299799
## 12605 30851  1500   O14907 O60716-10 TAX1BP3  CTNND1 6.466209e-14 0.03046723
## 20768 29119  1499   Q9UI47    P35222  CTNNA3  CTNNB1 1.484592e-14 0.04277910
##            pInt
## 12598 0.9970020
## 12605 0.9695328
## 20768 0.9572209

Now we construct a joined network of interactions involving CDH2 or one of its interactors for both networks:

cdh2.293t <- rbind(cdh2.293t, cdh2i.293t)
cdh2.293t$cell.line <- "293T"
cdh2.hct <- cdh2i.hct
cdh2.hct$cell.line <- "HCT116"
cdh2.df <- rbind(cdh2.293t, cdh2.hct)
##         GeneA GeneB  UniprotA  UniprotB SymbolA SymbolB           pW
## 34970   92369  1000    Q96A44    P19022   SPSB4    CDH2 2.211900e-13
## 69156    1500  1000 O60716-10    P19022  CTNND1    CDH2 3.269941e-13
## 76938  401251  1000  Q5SSQ6-2    P19022 C6orf26    CDH2 1.864776e-16
## 85272   29119  1000    Q9UI47    P19022  CTNNA3    CDH2 2.360491e-11
## 95983    1499  1000    P35222    P19022  CTNNB1    CDH2 5.277121e-15
## 104222 200933  1000    P0C2W1    P19022  FBXO45    CDH2 3.734072e-15
## 104253  25831  1000    Q9ULT8    P19022  HECTD1    CDH2 1.138752e-15
## 107992  30851  1000    O14907    P19022 TAX1BP3    CDH2 5.217764e-15
## 34925   92369  1499    Q96A44    P35222   SPSB4  CTNNB1 1.257953e-16
## 69154    1500  1499 O60716-10    P35222  CTNND1  CTNNB1 7.048423e-32
## 76933  401251  1499  Q5SSQ6-2    P35222 C6orf26  CTNNB1 1.427882e-17
## 85266   29119  1499    Q9UI47    P35222  CTNNA3  CTNNB1 7.602287e-16
## 85269   29119  1500    Q9UI47 O60716-10  CTNNA3  CTNND1 5.885667e-13
## 104224 200933 25831    P0C2W1    Q9ULT8  FBXO45  HECTD1 1.993756e-22
## 107979  30851  1499    O14907    P35222 TAX1BP3  CTNNB1 4.986983e-13
## 12598   30851  1499    O14907    P35222 TAX1BP3  CTNNB1 2.751214e-14
## 12605   30851  1500    O14907 O60716-10 TAX1BP3  CTNND1 6.466209e-14
## 20768   29119  1499    Q9UI47    P35222  CTNNA3  CTNNB1 1.484592e-14
##                 pNI      pInt cell.line
## 34970  6.840259e-03 0.9931597      293T
## 69156  1.864892e-01 0.8135108      293T
## 76938  1.430346e-01 0.8569654      293T
## 85272  8.295743e-03 0.9917043      293T
## 95983  1.119784e-01 0.8880216      293T
## 104222 2.179200e-02 0.9782080      293T
## 104253 2.256773e-01 0.7743227      293T
## 107992 1.357748e-01 0.8642252      293T
## 34925  1.842978e-02 0.9815702      293T
## 69154  1.238575e-01 0.8761425      293T
## 76933  1.537088e-01 0.8462912      293T
## 85266  1.371513e-03 0.9986285      293T
## 85269  1.056681e-01 0.8943319      293T
## 104224 2.045693e-08 1.0000000      293T
## 107979 4.239673e-02 0.9576033      293T
## 12598  2.997990e-03 0.9970020    HCT116
## 12605  3.046723e-02 0.9695328    HCT116
## 20768  4.277910e-02 0.9572209    HCT116

We turn the resulting data.frame into a graph representation <- BioPlex::bioplex2graph(cdh2.df)
## A graphNEL graph with directed edges
## Number of Nodes = 9 
## Number of Edges = 16

And map the proteome data on the graph: <- BioPlex::mapSummarizedExperimentOntoGraph(, bp.prot)

And annotate for each edge whether it is present for both cell lines or only one of them.

graph::edgeDataDefaults(, "cell.line") <- "BOTH"
rel.cols <- paste0("Uniprot", c("A", "B"))
rel.cols <- c(rel.cols, "cell.line")
jdf <-  cdh2.df[,rel.cols]
jdf[,1:2] <- apply(jdf[,1:2], 2, function(x) sub("-[0-9]{1,2}$", "", x))
dind <- duplicated(jdf[,1:2])
dup <- jdf[dind,]
ind <- jdf$UniprotA %in% dup$UniprotA & jdf$UniprotB %in% dup$UniprotB 
ind <- ind & jdf$cell.line == "293T"
jdf[ind,"cell.line"] <- "BOTH"  
jdf <- jdf[!dind,]
##        UniprotA UniprotB cell.line
## 34970    Q96A44   P19022      293T
## 69156    O60716   P19022      293T
## 76938    Q5SSQ6   P19022      293T
## 85272    Q9UI47   P19022      293T
## 95983    P35222   P19022      293T
## 104222   P0C2W1   P19022      293T
## 104253   Q9ULT8   P19022      293T
## 107992   O14907   P19022      293T
## 34925    Q96A44   P35222      293T
## 69154    O60716   P35222      293T
## 76933    Q5SSQ6   P35222      293T
## 85266    Q9UI47   P35222      BOTH
## 85269    Q9UI47   O60716      293T
## 104224   P0C2W1   Q9ULT8      293T
## 107979   O14907   P35222      BOTH
## 12605    O14907   O60716    HCT116

We add this information to the graph:

graph::edgeData(, jdf$UniprotA, jdf$UniprotB, "cell.line") <- jdf$cell.line

Inspect the resulting graph:

p <- BioPlexAnalysis::plotGraph(, 
                           edge.color = "grey",
                  = "log2ratio",
                  = "cell.line")
p + scale_color_gradient2(low = "blue",
                          mid = "lightgrey",
                          high = "red",
                          name = "log2ratio")