Instructor Notes

This workshop is based on the OSCA tutorial that Davide Risso, Dario Righelli, Marcel Ramos, and myself gave at the ISMB conference last year. The tutorial is a light version of the OSCA book that concentrates on essential aspects for getting started with the book (“The OSCA book in a day”). The tutorial is in large parts a faithful copy of the OSCA book, but also adds contents that are not (yet) covered in the OSCA book such as interoperability with other popular single-cell analysis ecosystems and accessing data from the Human Cell Atlas.

The learner profiles page covers the pre-requisites including the basics of statistics, R, and molecular biology. Point this out to students in order to help direct those missing large pieces of the foundation toward where they need to go.

Introduction to Bioconductor and the SingleCellExperiment class

Exploratory data analysis and quality control

Cell type annotation

Multi-sample analyses

Working with large data

Accessing data from the Human Cell Atlas (HCA)