This dataset contains the processed query dataset from the HeOrganAtlas dataset for Marrow tissue. It has been preprocessed to include log-normalized counts, specific metadata columns, annotations based on SingleR cell type scoring, and PCA, t-SNE, and UMAP results.



An object of class SingleCellExperiment with 392 rows and 503 columns.


The HeOrganAtlas dataset, available through the scRNAseq package.


This dataset underwent the following steps:

  • Loads the HeOrganAtlas dataset specifically for Marrow tissue from the scRNAseq package.

  • Divides the loaded dataset into a query dataset used for downstream analysis.

  • Performs log normalization on the query dataset using the function logNormCounts from the scuttle package.

  • Selects specific columns (percent_mito, expert_annotation) from the cell metadata for downstream analysis.

  • Adds SingleR annotations (SingleR_annotation) and annotation scores (annotation_scores) to the query dataset using the function SingleR from the SingleR package.

  • Computes AUC gene set scores using the function AUCell_calcAUC from the AUCell package and adds these scores to the query dataset.

  • Selects highly variable genes (HVGs) using the function getTopHVGs from the scran package on the query dataset.

  • Intersects the highly variable genes between the query and reference datasets to obtain common genes for analysis.

  • Performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the query dataset using the function runPCA from the scater package.

  • Performs t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) on the query dataset using the function runTSNE from the scater package.

  • Performs Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) on the query dataset using the function runUMAP from the scater package.


He, et al. (2020). HeOrganAtlas: a comprehensive human organ atlas based on single-cell RNA sequencing.

See also

Use data("query_data") to load and access the resulting query dataset and the data("reference_data") for comparison with the reference dataset.


# Load and explore the query dataset