Welcome to PythonA Level-1 Heading
Figure 1
![Anaconda Navigator landing page](fig/0_anaconda_navigator_landing_page.png)
Anaconda Navigator landing page
Figure 2
![Anaconda Navigator landing page](fig/0_jupyterlab_landing_page.png)
Anaconda Navigator landing page
Figure 3
![JupyterLab Menu Bar](fig/0_jupyterlab_menu_bar.png)
JupyterLab Menu Bar
Figure 4
![JupyterLab Left Side Bar](fig/0_jupyterlab_left_side_bar.png)
JupyterLab Left Side Bar
Figure 5
![JupyterLab Main Work Area](fig/0_jupyterlab_main_work_area.png)
JupyterLab Main Work Area
Figure 6
![Example Jupyter Notebook](fig/0_jupyterlab_notebook_screenshot.png)
Example Jupyter Notebook
Figure 7
![Multi-panel JupyterLab](fig/0_multipanel_jupyterlab_screenshot.png)
Multi-panel JupyterLab
Variables in Python
Basic Types
Figure 1
![Python uses 0-based indexing.](fig/03_0-based_indexing.png)
Python uses 0-based indexing.
Built-in Functions and Help
String Manipulation
Using Objects
Figure 1
![veg is represented as a shelf full of produce. There are three rows of vegetables on the shelf, and each row contains three baskets of vegetables. We can label each basket according to the type of vegetable it contains, so the top row contains (from left to right) lettuce, lettuce, and peppers.](fig/05_groceries_veg.png)
is represented as a shelf full
of produce. There are three rows of vegetables on the shelf, and each
row contains three baskets of vegetables. We can label each basket
according to the type of vegetable it contains, so the top row contains
(from left to right) lettuce, lettuce, and peppers.Figure 2
![veg is now shown as a list of three rows, with veg[0] representing the top row of three baskets, veg[1] representing the second row, and veg[2] representing the bottom row.](fig/05_groceries_veg0.png)
is now shown as a list of three
rows, with veg[0]
representing the top row of three
baskets, veg[1]
representing the second row, and
representing the bottom row.Figure 3
To reference a specific basket on a specific shelf, you use two
indexes. The first index represents the row (from top to bottom) and the
second index represents the specific basket (from left to right).
For Loops
Reading tabular data
Managing Python Environments
Figure 1
![Changing the kernel](fig/home03-jupyter-changing-kernel.png)
Changing the kernel
Figure 2
![Selecting conda kernels in Jupyer Lab](fig/home03-jupyter-selecting-kernel.png)
Selecting conda kernels in Jupyer Lab
Figure 1
![Illustrative diagram of associative arrays, showing the sets of keys and their association with some of the values.](fig/home04_associative_arrays.png)
Illustrative diagram of associative arrays,
showing the sets of keys and their association with some of the
Pandas DataFrames
Writing Functions
Perform Statistical Tests with Scipy
Reshaping Data
Figure 1
![Melt goes from wide to long data](fig/home05_melt.png)
Melt goes from wide to long data
Figure 2
![Pivot_table goes from long to wide](fig/home05_pivot_table.png)
Pivot_table goes from long to wide
Combining Data
Figure 1
![A summary of the types of joins and what they keep and drop.](fig/home05_join_types_fig.png)
A summary of the types of joins and what they
keep and drop.
Visualizing data with matplotlib and seaborn
Figure 1
![Simple Position-Time Plot](fig/13_1_simpleplot.png)
Simple Position-Time Plot
Figure 2
![Expression histogram](fig/13_2_pandahist.png)
Expression histogram
Figure 3
![Boxplot by timepoint](fig/13_3_timebox.png)
Boxplot by timepoint
Figure 4
![Histogram by timpoint as subplots.](fig/13_4_timehist_sub.png)
Histogram by timpoint as subplots.
Figure 5
![Asl expression over time](fig/13_5_asltime.png)
Asl expression over time
Figure 6
![Multiple lines on the same plot with a legend](fig/13_6_multiline.png)
Multiple lines on the same plot with a
Figure 7
![A simple boxplot using seaborn](fig/13_7_simpbox.png)
A simple boxplot using seaborn
Figure 8
![Basic foldchange scatterplot.](fig/13_8_scatter1.png)
Basic foldchange scatterplot.
Figure 9
![Axis labels changed](fig/13_9_scatter2.png)
Axis labels changed
Figure 10
![Adjusted alpha level](fig/13_10_scatter3.png)
Adjusted alpha level
Figure 11
![Adjusted point size](fig/13_11_scatter4.png)
Adjusted point size
Figure 12
![Added gene_biotype as hue](fig/13_12_scatter5.png)
Added gene_biotype as hue
Figure 13
![Style set to is_protein_coding](fig/13_13_scatter6.png)
Style set to is_protein_coding
Figure 14
![Adding chromosome](fig/13_14_scatter7.png)
Adding chromosome
Figure 15
![Cleaning up the plot](fig/13_15_scatter.png)
Cleaning up the plot
Figure 16
![Default clustered heatmap](fig/13_16_heatmap1.png)
Default clustered heatmap
Figure 17
![Using magma colormap](fig/13_17_heatmap2.png)
Using magma colormap
Figure 18
![Heatmap with infection information](fig/13_18_heatmap3.png)
Heatmap with infection information
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Perform machine learning with Scikit-learn
Figure 1
![Supervised Machine Learning Workflow](fig/14_ml_workflow.png)
Supervised Machine Learning Workflow
Figure 2
Figure 3
![Holdout validation strategy](fig/14_holdout.png)
Holdout validation strategy
Figure 4
![ROC curve](fig/14_roccurve.png)
ROC curve
Figure 5
![PR curve](fig/14_prcurve.png)
PR curve
Figure 6
![Confusion Matrix](fig/14_confusion.png)
Confusion Matrix